Annual Charity
Golf Classic

Registration is Closed.
Come back next year to register for the 4th Annual Charity Golf Classic! Tentative date: Oct 6th, 2025
Interested in sponsoring? Check out our sponsorship page or team + sponsorship bundle
Sponsorship Opportunities
Golf Tournament Hole Sponsorships
Hole Sponsor: $250.00, Hole sponsors will have their logo printed on signage at the hole.
Main Sponsor: $2,000.00, Main Sponsors will have their logo printed on all main signage alongside Playing 4 Hope charity logo. Will sponsor the winner of the tournament prizes. Given additional promotion upon discussion.
Golf Tournament In-Kind Sponsorships
We are looking for in-kind donations that will be either (i) gifted to participants or (ii) silent auctioned. Last year sponsors provided koozies and golf balls with their logo alongside our logo that was gifted to all tournament participants. This year we are looking for sponsors to contribute similar gifts. In addition to participant gifts, we are looking for sponsors that will donate gift cards or other large items that can be put into baskets and auctioned off. All sponsors will have their logo put onto the gift or highlighted with signage next to the in-kind gift.
Check out our 2024 Sponsors below!

About the Event
Playing 4 Hope's Annual Charity Golf Classic takes place in early October at The Club at Old Hawthorne, one of Missouri's most prestigious private golf courses. This years event will be on Monday, October 7th, 2024 and will include 1st and 2nd place prizes for two flights, a change from previous years. There will also be prizes for the winners of our various mini-games including longest drive and closest to the pin.
The cost per team is $600 (4-person team) or $800 (4-person team and sponsorship bundle). While this may seem like a significant cost per team, the majority of funds go directly to the club and only a small portion is donated to our organization. The cost breakdown per team is as follows: $550 for green fees (18 holes + cart) at a private golf course, range balls, lunch to-go on course, drinks, dinner, and a reception + $50 donation to Playing 4 Hope. Drinks will include all donated alcoholic and non-alcoholic product. In previous years we have had Logboat, Tropical Liquors, and CocaCola products. The informal reception will have a few short addresses from members of the organization followed by the announcement of prizes that will be given to the winner of the tournament, as well as to the winners of on course mini games such as "longest drive" and "closest to the pin." If available, silent auction items will also be available to bid on or purchase. Winners will be announced during the reception.
The tournament will begin at 11 am and will be shotgun style which is expected to take ~5 hours. Range balls can be hit in the hour proceeding the start of the tournament. The informal reception with dinner will immediately follow tournament play. Doors will open at ~3:30 pm. Please see the schedule for additional information.
Our focus for the third years event is on fundraising growth, donor/sponsor retention, and implementing participant feedback. While our primary goal for fundraising events is always to raise additional funds to continue to make a difference in our community, our secondary goal is to spread our name and mission throughout central Missouri. We hope this event will help our supporters better understand why we do what we do and see the pride we take in making it happen. Part of choosing The Club at Old Hawthorne as our venue was to show our sponsors and our donors that we are grateful for them and for the growth they have helped us achieve in the years leading up to this event.
All proceeds from the tournament will benefit Playing 4 Hope and their various campaigns. Playing 4 Hope is a non-profit that provides an outlet of hope to children who suffer from disability, illness, or disease and to children in underserved communities. As we are an all-volunteer organization, 100% of the funds raised goes towards our mission and back into serving our community. Your presence at this and future events will help change a child's life.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the organization please reach out via email or visit the rest of our website.